With its amazing collection of libraries JavaScript is growing day by day among web developers and designers. Javascript has number of popular libraries as jQuery, MooTools, Prototype and many more. Some time you don’t thing about to build a javascript Application without using any template. This list has templating engines for JavaScript.
Today we have collected some highly useful JavaScript template engines for developers. A few days ago we had shared some great stuff for our javascript users as Game engines, Visit this list and share your views.
1) Jade
jade is a highly performance node JavaScript template engine with great API and amazing features. It designed for server side tempting in node.
2) Mustache
Mustache is a logic-less template syntax. It can be used for HTML, config files, source code – anything. It works by expanding tags in a template using values provided in a hash or object.
3) Transparency
transparency is a powerful client side template engine which binds data to DOM. it has some great features as valid HTML templates, View logic in JavaScript, Transparency is computable with IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, iOS, Android, Etc.
4) Underscorejs
Underscore is a JavaScript library that provides a whole mess of useful functional programming helpers without extending any built-in objects.
5) Embeddedjs
EJS cleans the HTML out of your JavaScript with client side templates. After EJS gets its rubber gloves on dirty code, you’ll feel organized and uncluttered.
6) DoTjs
doT.js was created in search of the fastest and concise JavaScript templating function with emphasis on performance under V8 and Node.js. It shows great performance for both Node.js and browsers.
7) Handlebarsjs
Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration.
8) T.js
T.js is a template engine that uses simple Javascript data structure to represent html/xml data.
9) Dustjs
Dust is a asynchronous templates for the browser and node.js.
10) Nunjucks
Nunjucks is more sophisticated templating engine for JavaScript with some amazing features Rich Powerful language with block inheritance, autoescaping, macros, asynchronous control, and more.