From best selling fonts deal to a website that promises to ease the understanding of machine learning with visuals, annotator that’s a popover to highlight,...
Fonts have been serving a great deal in making the designing projects. Designers have become quite conscious in using the right kind...
Are you the one who waits for Friday to check out what DesigniMag team has in store for you all? With the...
If you all are acquainted with the Sketch App, it is an application that designers make optimum use of in designing application...
While working on any design project, one needs to focus even on the minutest detail to grab the attention of the viewers...
With the ease, various kinds of tools, apps, websites have been providing to the designers and developers have become the important part...
Minimal is the design trend that is being followed for quite some time and is anticipated to have long journey. The name...
Navigation we all know is one of the important elements in web designing that need due attention. This is not the first time...
WordPress as you all know is one of the most popular CMS that everyone is well acquainted with. The ease of workflow...
If you are the one who is working on miscellaneous design projects and doesn’t have time to check out the freebies that...