Designing the mobile applications is a fun job to do but then if you have to start from the scratch, it can...
Hiring an app development company or freelancer to build you a high quality, fully functional app from scratch can cost as much...
Choosing the right app platform is not as obvious as you think. Many developers decide on a platform without seriously considering the...
From tablets to smartphones and now wearable smart devices to the Internet of Things, mobile apps are becoming woven into the center...
iOS or Android? This is perhaps one of the most important questions new app developers must ask themselves before they start building...
Most app developers during the app development process aren’t usually thinking about security and data privacy. They’re thinking about how they can...
Surprisingly, not many people keep their mobile as secure as their desktops. This is a big mistake when you consider that 97 percent...
According to a recent article from CNet, Dominique Hazaël-Massieux doesn’t want to hear about iOS app development or Android app development. What...
Saying mobile apps are popular at the moment is an understatement. They’re literally dominating the global market and may one day be...
Presentations have become a regular practice in any corporate sector and in any sort of business or education institution. It is a...