Over the Internet wide range of websites to get information, latest news, articles, tutorials, topics about Java. But today we have select some quality sites for our Java Developers Where they can learn about Java as well as Advanced Java. These websites have all kind of information or latest news about java, also provides popular topics, sharing question-answer, advanced features in Java, Java tools and many more that help you a lot. A few days ago, we had share best tools for convert java to C# source code.
We always try to come with some super useful stuff for our readers, i have searching the top site for java and finally i got the best collection of sites for java developers, Please visit this list and share your views.
1) Java World
Java World is one of the best sites for java users that share all the useful topics, tips & tricks, tutorials and latest technologies related to java and more like Mobile Java, Java App Dev, java Tips and Core java.
2) Java SE
Here learn about Java SE 8 as features, enhancements, java tutorials and Java SE API and more.
3) Coursera
This is another excellent site for java developers called Coursera provides 639 online free courses. Its educational platform that helps up-coming developers to start their task easily. Just type your topic on search box and find the full detail of that topic.
4) Developer – Java
Developer.com share every kind of stories related to java development. It provides Enterpricse Java, J2ME, java servlet , JDBC and other information.
5) Program Creek
Programcreek, here users can get basic java, java API examples, web frameworks eclipse and coding interviews, etc.
6) Oracle – Java
7) Java.Net
Java.Net introduce all the information related to java including Blogs, magazine, articles latest news and many more.
8) JGuru
This site provides latest java tutorials and java resources with more useful sections like download, features, FAQ, Forums.
9) Stack Over Flow
Stack Overflow is pure question and answer site for programmers and developers. This is quality site.
10) Leetcode
11) OnJava
This site shares articles on java, latest news, topics and other useful resources as java IDE tools, java and XML, java data books, java MEdia, java Security, open source java, Web services, Wireless java and many more.
12) Java Ranch
java ranch is the place where developers can find the current topics and latex news related to java, Also JSP, servlet, JDBC, Tomcat, Struts EJB, Scala, and many more.
13) Java.Dzone
Dzone is the mot popular sites among designers and developers share share their blog articles.
14) GitHub
Powerful collaboration, code review, and code management for open source and private projects.
15) Devx – Java
Place where users can read latest articles, this site has a big amount of data of all the popular languages.
16) Contegix
17) Java Source
Java Source presents Open Source Software in Java.
18) Java.About
Find out what Java is, who created it, and why people choose to program with it, everything you can find on java.about.com.
19) The Server Side
The serverside.com is a Enterprise java Community with enterprise java development, java tools, java management, Modular code, java in the cloud.
20) Infoq
This site have many section of many popular language including Java with latest News, articles and tutorials.
21) Java 2S
Java 2S, sites has the section of java, in this section beginners can get java tutorials, Java Projects, Java by API, java products, Java file download and many more useful topics.