Web site development is very necessary because every business owner or a blogger wants to own a website today, and requires the website to be designed very properly and efficiently. Gone is the time, when the website development used to take place with the help of just HTML, CSS, etc, but today, there is the need of responsiveness, scripts, etc, to make the website look great and for it to work smoothly and efficiently for the users and the visitors to the site. PHP is the latest addition to the website development platforms, and offers so many wonderful extensions and features, that help you achieve really wonderful goals in least time, and with the least efforts. PHP coding involves some practicing, and perfection, and also a lot of concentration, because of its wide support and depth.
Just like HTML, CSS, there are a lot of tools, that help you in coding your PHP document. These tools understand the tags, how they are implemented, where there is an error occurring, or alerts for any potential error if seen. PHP coders are generally having this pressure of deadlines hanging on their head, and these tools help a lot in setting up goals and guidelines and achieving them in least possible times.
The PHP documents are also required to go through some error checks, post processing, etc, and in the same case, it becomes a very tough job to do these things manually. But, if you are using a development tool, it has these features pre-included in its libraries, letting you save your time and efforts over these. There are hundreds of such tools available in the marketplace, but some of the tools that workout really great for the PHP Platform is:
1) Getdirectus
Directus is one of the best Content management framework written in PHP with advance great features-rich environment for rapid development and management of custom MYSQL database solution. This is open source framework for PHP developers.
2) PlatesPHP
Plates is simple and easy to use PHP templates system. Plates is designed for web developers who prefer to use native PHP templates over compiled templates.
3) ParseDown
4) Guzzle PHP
Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client that makes it easy to work with HTTP/1.1 and takes the pain out of consuming web services.
5) Hoa
Hoa is a set of PHP libraries that help to being a bridge between industrial and research worlds.
The PHP-CPP library is a C++ library for developing PHP extensions. It offers a collection of well documented and easy-to-use classes that can be used and extended to build native extensions for PHP.
7) Twig
Twig is and moders, fast, secure and flexible templates engine for PHP users.
8) Sublimetext
Sublimetext editor is one of the best text editor among programmers. It provides advanced features and amazing performance.
9) Geo Coder
Geocoder is great library for building geo applications. It provides an abstraction layer for geocoding manipulations.
10) Prettifier
Prettifier provides a great place for editing, formatting and syntax highlighting for some programming languages including CSS, HTML, XML, SQL, PHP, Perl and etc.
11) Requests PHP
Requests is a HTTP library written in PHP.
12) Slim Starter
Slim starter is another excellent sulotion for bootstrapping advanced web applications.