
21 Best Free PHP and MySQL E-Books for Programmers

The highly developed websites are mostly built and designed by PHP and it is admired by the programmers across the globe. It is highly interactive language and can be used to create amazing results. PHP is one of the most celebrated programming languages and most of the work on website designing is carried out with the help of PHP programming. It has become quite a necessary attribute for a programmer to have basic knowledge of PHP.PHP comprises of the basic web developer’s skill nowadays. PHP is an amazing platform for designing a new website and it enhances the quality of the website design. If you are looking for free downloadable e-books for PHP programming then you are at the right place. Here we have a list of the best PHP programming e-books. It has the basic e-books with basic features and also includes the highly specific pro level e-books also.

There is a huge availability of these e-books in the internet but with this high amount of resource it is hard to find the particularly useful for your programming.  These tools are extremely useful for a programmer to channel his efforts in a right direction. The beginners get the most advantage using this kind of free e-books form the internet. Here are the best free e-books for PHP and MySQL.


1) Learn PHP, MySQL, CSS, JavaScript and HTML5 


2) PHP 5 Power Programming

3) Beginning Php5 Apache And Mysql Web Development

4) PHP5 And MySQL Bible

php5 and mysql

5) PHP and MySQL Web Development All in One

6) PHP 6/MySQL Programming for Absolute Beginner

7) PHP 6 Fast and Easy Web Development


8) PHP: The Basics

9) MySQL PHP Database Applications

10) Head First! PHP and MySQL

Head First PHP & MySQL

11) PHP6 and MySQL

12) Professional Lamp Linux Apache Mysql Php5

13) PHP the right way

Best free programming books - phptherightway

14) The Oracle PHP Cookbook

15) Practical PHP Testing

16) Code Bright for Laravel PHP

17) Practical PHP Programming

18) PHP Programming


19) PHP Security Guide

20) Advanced CakePHP Tips

21) PHP Programming



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