Navigation we all know is one of the important elements in web designing that need due attention. This is not the first time when we are talking about fixed header bars in web designing here at DesigniMag. In the recent past, we have come up with some really cool Fixed Header Bars in Web Design : 20+ Creative Examples and gave the gist of what exactly the fixed header bars are and how these help enhance the overall user-experience.
Inclusion of fixed header bars is the latest trend that has gained much importance in the recent times. When a design trend evolves, there are lots of many people favoring and accepting it while others don’t find it apt enough to be included for which on-going discussions take place.
Web designers now a days are following the trend and adopting the fixed header bars and including the same in their website designing to ensure an enhanced user-experience. As the title says, we are here today to talk about the benefits/advantages of fixed header bar in web design.
While designing if you focus on the fixed header bar, it will keep the navigation at the top of the page no matter where you scroll making it easy for users to browse and quickly access the menu. Besides, it is a motivator for users to explore more things other than for what the site was opened up.
How about discussing in detail the benefits of fixed header bars in web design?
1. Makes Browsing Easy
Fixed header bar is open element that contributes in making browsing easy for users to get the information available right in front of them and there is no need to go for long navigation. Browsing goes quite smooth and easy with fixed header bar.
2. Saves Time
Fixed header bars are favored for one another fact that it is useful in websites with vast content where lots of scrolling is needed to go through the content and get the relevant information. It is the primary duty of website owners to make it easy and hassle-free for the users to access the information they need in less time. Here it becomes relevant to go for the fixed header bar option.
3. Relevant Main Menu Options Right There
Not all users have patience, there is a whole bunch that goes impatient and wishes to see all menu options right there at their immediate disposal, so that they don’t have to look here and there to get the information/content they are looking for.
4. You Can Shun Back to the Top Icon
While scrolling down if as a user I wish to go to the top, nowadays the ‘Back to the Top’ icon is placed which undoubtedly has simplified the scrolling to the top. However, there are many websites that still have not adapted the back to the top icon addition to the web pages. Having fixed header bars can make the user get the information required without scrolling.
5. Helps In Building The Brand
Simple, easy and quick navigation is what fixed headers provide and this is what works in favor of building a brand. Brand name, logo and other relevant information are included on the header bar that lies on top of the screen, thereby grabbing users’ attention making the user remember the brand.
6. It’s a Popular Trend
Last but not the least, one reason that everybody is following the fixed header bar trend for the fact that it’s quite a popular trend. There are a good number of websites that have added fixed header bar to their website designs and have got a great response.
While there are quite a good number of people that are in favor of the fixed header bar, there is a whole bunch of critics. The above points state that the fixed header bar is proving quite advantageous to many website owners and the argument in favor of sticky navigation will continue to persist.
In the end, all I would say is go about checking the arguments in favor and against fixed header bars and chose for yourself whether you would want to opt for your websites or not! Have your say by dropping in the comments below.