In today’s technologically advanced era where everything seems to be going online, we have become so addicted to the web world, geeky gadgets and likewise. If you want to reach the masses, go online! Its the mantra of success which everyone believes to be true which is right to the great extent.
From a designer’s perspective, they are keenly following the trend and working day and night to come up with amazing designs. It has become vital for designers to focus on even the minutest details to ensure users get to enjoy the visual appeal along with smart functionality.
By smart functionality I mean the ease of finding what one is looking for; be it information, product or services. From fonts to navigation, white space usage, color combinations much more, designers ensure to take care of everything that contributes in making the design perfect.
Be it for clients or for themselves, designers are taking every caution to put in the best and come up with amazing designs not forgetting the web design trends. Coming to the topic of the day, today we have compiled the list of 30 best web designs that we saw in the month of June. Promising to leave you all dazed, each one is inspiring in its own way. Here they are, take a look at most creative and best web designs of June 2015!
Also, don’t forget to check our articles on Fixed Header Bars in Webdesign : 20+ Creative Examples and Awesome Showcase of Creative Side Menus Websites that are somewhat related to the topic of today.
1. YouTube10
2. LegWorkStudio
3. Habib-Fadel
4. IceAndSky
5. NikeLidyana
6. Scarlet
7. Apps
8. BlackPen
9. HuskDitKryds
10. LucasHirata
11. InvisionApp
12. Aaraon-Meyers
13. AntonAndIrene
14. CycleByCycle
15. DrawithPixels
16. WeAreTopSecret
17. OkMylo
18. ForwardHQ
19. DConstruct
20. DrinkZeo
21. TheLightPhone
22. StoryOfTheWeb
23. PenAndQuill
24. Dennys
25. StumpTownCoffee
26. PaulineOsmont
27. AQuest
28. GalvanMobili
29. Tern
30. TitledChairCreative
Personally, I loved each and every website pinned here for the fact that all of them are creative, superbly designed promising smart functionality. These web designs are the result of careful examination if various minute details, addition of creative ideas put together, immense hard work and a good amount of time investment.
What’s your take on the best web designs of June 2015 that we have collected here? Leave your comments below. We would love to hear from you and listen to your suggestions if any.