Everyone knows very well, that when it comes to web development than coding is the most important part where every web developer spends it most of the time. And as a web developer, I know really well the importance of coding just because you have to be active all the time with strong mind presence. It needs proper mind set so that you can easily tackle the common issues generated at that time.
Just to save time, effort a lot of web developers prefer to use third party tools and applications. These third party tools and application are built specially for web developers to automate the process of coding so that minimizes errors and issues will be generated and if generated, these can be handled by using these tools easily. Over the last decade, these third party web development tools and application turned out to be very successful and it provides various features like building web applications and web pages with the help of just a few clicks.
This is the main reason many coders or developers likes these tools very much and if you are looking some of the best and essential tools for coding then you are at the right spot. We have carefully selected 14 best tools for programmers, which helps you to work nonstop for building web pages and web applications quickly. You just have to understand the working with these tools and you are done.
1) Cody House
Code house has lots of free library of HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
2) Socket IO
Socket.io is fastest and most reliable real-time engine and one of the most powerful framework for javascript developers.
3) Hoa
Hoa is a modular, extensible and structured set of PHP libraries.
4) jsNice
JsNice make obfuscated JavaScript code readable. It is statistical renaming, type inference and deobfuscation.
5) Light Table
Light table us next generation code editor for web developers that provides advanced features like as programmers can embed anything they want, easily customizable, elegant and lightweight design layout.
6) Enjoy CSS
Enjoy CSS is an advanced online generator that allow you to adjust stylist and beautiful text, background, shadow, art and many more with our coding.
7) Less CSS
Less is a CSS pre-processor, meaning that it extends the CSS language, adding features that allow variables, mixins, functions and many other techniques that allow you to make CSS that is more maintainable, themable and extendable.
8) Finch
You can test your local websites across multiple devices and share your local websites with any connected device.
9) Prettifier
The Prettifier provides code formatting and syntax highlighting for common programming languages and file formats including JSON, CSS, HTML, XML, SQL, PHP, Perl, Apache Config, and JavaScript, where editing often takes place outside of an IDE.
10) Code Flash
CodeFlash works with most editors and provides templates for the following languages:C++ , PHP, Java, Javascript, C# and Pascal . Further, you can add your own templates for any programming language in a simple manner inside the config file.
11) WebPutty
WebPutty is a simple CSS editing and hosting service.
12) Handy js
Handy js is a web application template for Nodejs.
13) Intype
14) Gantt
This is free online tool javascript component build on jquery fro creating Gantt.