In today’s technologically advanced era, one can’t stick to just one project you are working on, instead continuous pressure of meeting deadlines and submitting projects asks one to work the smart way. Javascript frameworks that popularly go by the name jQuery plugins are proving to be quite useful in various designing and developing projects.
Here is our this week’s compilation of best jQuery plugins that we have hand-picked for you all to take a look and pick the one(s) that suits your need. Also, before you begin with the current week’s list, take a look at the ones we came up with in the preceding five weeks.
Best jQuery Plugins of the Week [5th July – 11th July]
Best jQuery Plugins of the Week [28th June – 4th July]
Best jQuery Plugins of the Week [21st June – 27th June]
Best jQuery Plugins of the Week [14th June – 20th June]
Best jQuery Plugins of the Week [7th June – 13th June]
1. jQuery TextFX
Developed by Chris Cates, jQuery TextFX is your all in one plug-in for making your text feel good, look good, and animate good.
2. jquery cForms
jQuery cForm is a plugin that when replaced with your standard, ugly form-elements make it nice and clean non-form html code which can be styled via CSS.
3. ggpopover.js
ggpopover is a simple jQuery popover plugin that is the extension of Twitter Bootstrap’s popover plugin that supports 4 positions, title background color, font color, border color, content background color, content text color, arrow color eliminating the need of putting images.
4. jQuery NumPad
NumPad is a virtual numeric touch keypad developed for web applications based on jQuery. The plugin aims to fill inputs, password fields, general div-elements or entire table columns.
5. Backcodex jQuery Plugin
Backcodex is a jQuery plugin full width responsive background video on webpage. The plugin uses an interesting concept showing a full width background video by using minimal code blocks.
6. jQuery Flip
Flip is a jQuery plugin that helps in flipping the content with 3D animation.
7. Circular Progress
As the name hints, circular progress is a jQuery plugin that helps in creating a circular progress bar.
8. Clever Infinite Scroll
This is a useful infinite scroll jQuery plugin that changes the title and URL automatically. Clever Infinte Scroll plugin is best for SEO.
9. Bootstrap3Alerts
Bootstrap 3 Alert is a plugin that displays simple alerts to users.
Have you recently developed any such plugin lately that you believe will solve the purpose of many developers out there? Do let us know by leaving your comments below.