Professionally or personally, while at times we feel highly motivated, inspired and so much enthusiastic that we wish to accomplish our goals. Not just that we do make efforts too. However, this is not the case with everybody every time. What I mean to say here is that no matter how motivated one is at one time, there are times when things don’t work in favor, one feels lost, not at all motivated or inspired, finds the work boring and monotonous. Those are the low times when one needs someone to help them come out of that phase or face the situation properly to come back to the form and get ignition.
Not everyone is blessed with such people around to motivate and boost up or at times we don’t wish to share this feeling with others or whatever the reason be. Then who would be there to help in hard times. We ourself need to make efforts, seek help and read motivational stuff, check inspirational work and anything that works.
Am I sounding like too negative? Well, let me come to the point to make it clear as to why I am talking about all this. Designers, writers infact everyone of us working in different fields, feel stuck and get block at one point or the other, to overcome this we need inspiration and motivation. Designers to talk about are the people who when get stuck are not able to give their best shot. Creativity is what plays an important role in designing.
To provide our designer friends a good dose of inspiration to keep them motivated enough to give their best shot, each month we come up with the best web designs which when checked can make an idea hit you, inspire you and motivate you to put your best foot forward. Check out 25 Best Web Designs of July 2015 before you hit a jump to sneak a peek at this months’ compilation of the same.
1. KataFarkas
2. ILoveThisFame
3. Dream Car Collection
4. WeAreRoyale
5. Silenza
6. NodePlus
7. 88and90Lex
8. MadebyFieldWork
9. SztafetaPokolen
10. RuxbinChicago
11. Minimums
12. Gillemore
13. CampaignLiving
14. FreshForm
15. JamesRichardsonFurniture
16. Trends2015
17. Ryan Johnson
18. CreativePromises
19. WeAreCollins
20. ImperialHomes
21. PalZileri
22. FixedGroup
23. VNStar
24. Bowhead
25. Wove
26. CienneNY
27. DeadFiesta
28. ProsjektFantasi
29. Golfman
30. Lauren Wickware
31. Leo Cheron Works
32. SabbathVisuals
33. OxenMade
There are lot many web designs that I personally like. Which one is our favourite? Stay tuned for more best web designs of the month article in the future.