Navigation is one important aspect of web designing that is being taken care of to a great extent. Easy navigation enables users to move from page to page and find the content in the easiest way possible. Providing the ease of navigation to the users ensures success of the website designing.
Fixed header bars have come as the latest trend in the world of web design in fact, it has grown exceptionally over the course of just a few months. There have been lots of discussion on the positive and negative aspects of the fixed headers ever since it has been introduced.
Designers these days are following the trend and adopting the fixed header bars that are being included in their website designing. Websites that incorporate their navigational links ensure simple navigation, is time saving and improves user-experience.
Previously we came up with Awesome Showcase of Creative Side Menus Websites for your inspiration, and today we have compiled a list of creatively designed websites that decided to go for fixed navigation. The list includes websites with fixed header bars. Check for yourself and see how easy it becomes to navigate through the website and I’m sure you are going to make sure you add the fixed header bars in your next web designing projects.
You can open up the websites by clicking on the name or the image that will send you to the website directly. Here are some of the really cool examples of creative websites with fixed header bars, take a look!
1. MarcoProiettiDesign
2. HellOBaby
3. GetBeagle
4. Acorns
5. Kuvva
6. GrohaGentlemen
7. FratelliProllastelli
8. WeAreShepherd
9. TinyPass
10. TheBeastIsBack
11. PlugAndPlayDesign
12. Pixenum
13. JHorning
14. ManVsMachine
15. WoldAndSon
16. FinoPar
17. Lee Heyne
18. Michael Bianchi
19. RumbleLabs
20. Bourbaki13
21. Allam Khodair
If you have already decided to make your website user-friendly with easy navigation by adding a fixed header bar to your website design, we would love to tell you that is not at all fussy job.
In fact, it can be done easily by using simple CSS coding and you can easily staple header bars to the top of the screen enabling users to enjoy the ease of navigation as they never lose sight of header when they scroll down your website page. So, what’s the wait for? Hope to see your website in the lists of websites with fixed header bar soon.